New Product ClassNK grants Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions to “ACE…

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 1,305회 작성일 24-04-16 13:10


ClassNK has granted its Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions to a straight leg course control called “ACE Function”(ACE: Advanced Control for Ecology), which can be integrated with the autopilot systems, “PR-9000” and “PR-6000” offered by TOKYO KEIKI INC.
The company indicates that “ACE Function” can automatically create a straight route and implement navigation at the shortest distance, only by setting the ship's current position and the heading of a destination. While navigating, it constantly estimates disturbances (tidal currents, wind) and calculates the cross track distance to control the rudder optimally.
ClassNK has verified the functions of “ACE Function”, such as the realization of straight leg course control considering disturbances without using ECDIS, the reduction of route deviation and wasteful steering as well as the realization of shorter sailing distances compared to conventional heading control system, and the capability to contribute to energy efficiency, navigation safety and burden reduction, and issued a certificate to the company.
ClassNK will continue to further promote its Innovation Endorsement for Ships, Products & Solutions, and Providers, and strive to support innovative technologies and initiatives.

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