New Product DESMI OptiSaveTM installations have reached accumulated savings of 1-m…

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작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 2,039회 작성일 22-08-11 18:10


DESMI’s Energy Saving Solution, named OptiSaveTM, offers simple power management for energy efficiency compliance. When installing a pump, normal procedure is to have it run at full speed; however, with the OptiSaveTM system installed, the pump will save fuel via intelligent power management for cooling pumps and fans. According to DESMI’s Key Account Manager of Marine and Offshore John Nielsen:
“You should install it regardless of the rules and regulations. At the end of the day, you want to save fuel. And in doing so you ensure an environmental footprint.”
There are many ways people can help reduce carbon emissions. Planting trees is a natural way to take climate action and reduce our negative environmental impact, because trees absorb the carbon dioxide. However, instead of planting trees, at DESMI we focus on how our customers can save fuel, as well as reduce CO2.
So, to find out how considerably the advantages of installing DESMI’s OptiSaveTM are, we have looked at how large of a wooded area it requires to get a 1-million-ton CO2 reduction which matches the accumulated reduction of the 700 OptiSaveTM systems currently installed. This requires the yearly consumption of a 16,000-hectare Rain Forest or a 100,000-hectare regular Danish Forest making DESMI’s energy saving solution an obvious choice in the battle to save the planet.
At DESMI we care about the future generations, and we want to take part of making the maritime business greener. Thus, we have committed to the UN sustainable development goals, and we stand together with local authorities and other manufacturers to try to make a difference.

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