Business News METIS Augmented Routing Optimization puts weather routing into ship pe…

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작성자 최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 1,909회 작성일 22-10-13 15:07


Augmented Routing Optimization which integrates weather routing into AI-based voyage analytics is changing what is possible in ship performance, according to METIS Cyberspace Technology.
The maritime data analytics specialist says that adding weather routing functionality to vessel analysis means voyage performance can be optimized to take account not only of an individual ship’s characteristics and cargo requirements, but the conditions in which it is working.
Augmented Routing Optimization integrates weather routing functionality from specialized service providers seamlessly into the cloud-based METIS analytics platform. Powered by artificial intelligence(AI), weather routing becomes part of the real-time METIS analytics which is already optimizing an individual ship’s performance for fuel consumption, hull fouling, emissions, etc.
Onboard ship, Augmented Routing Optimization enables ship-specific comparisons between the weather optimized route with other user-defined routes. Onshore, managers can take account of route adjustments, calculate and recalculate optimum routes to optimize schedules, and better evaluate voyage and post-voyage performance against expectations or charter party terms.